The sun is shining beautifully today. There are snowdrops and daffs shooting up all around. It was light until past 17:30 last night. I love this time of year, we're ready for spring around here.
I'm very excited to be recording both Islet & Farm Hand music over the next month. We started recording an Islet album in late August so if all goes to plan we should be able to finish it... soon. To clarify, we did a week of recording in late August / early September and haven't been able to do any since - we've not being doing it solidly since then! We're not the Stone Roses*! Not going to put a public deadline on finishing it but I'm optimistic we should be able to hammer it out pretty sharpish. We're doing it all ourselves, just as we did the EP, with my brother JT doing all the recording and mixing. He has ALL the skills on the DAWs! I'm a proud older brother. I tried to convince myself I could be someone who does recording but I've recently tried to do Farm Hand recording and I've realised it isn't part of my skill set for the time being. I haven't got the patience! Rather than be cross with myself about it, I'm accepting it, even though I am quite cross with myself about it. I feel like I 'should' be able to cope with it. I can get it all set up, put a mic somewhere, press record and do 1 take and then I just go on my phone. My respect for people who record well is massive! Well done to you all, recording people.
After that, I plan on making a Farm Hand album quite quickly, embracing the limitations of being a one-man band. I'm going to make a record with a great man called Rob Jones.
Thanks to everyone who has reached out as a result of me writing this blog, it is nice to know you are reading it. I totally didn't expect to be a person who writes a blog but it looks like I am now. Having said that, I recently read that, in a way, we are all bogging these days. Anyone who writes a tweet is microbloggin, instagram is photobloggin, Facebook is basically just bloggin. Just feels like an extension of that really. This is a classic 'nap time' blog. Child went to sleep and I opened my laptop and started typing.
Anyways, can't wait to get recording and put things onto tape (digital tape). Thanks, Mark.
*didn't they take ages over an album or something?